First and foremost, we’d like to extend our extreme gratitude to all who have supported us in the past few weekends. We not only appreciate the business, but also the positive feedback and constructive criticism. I assure you, we are listening and will do our very best in the coming weeks to continue to make this the comfortable premier location you all deserve.
Many of you have expressed interest in weekday hours. We’ve decided to slowly expand into the week by opening on Thursdays 6pm – 10 pm starting this week. In addition, we now open at 5pm on Fridays and close at 11pm on Saturdays – effective this week. Please bear with us as we make this and future transitions. Quality and service are of the utmost importance to us and we refuse to sacrifice either.
Now to the good stuff! This week we will have two new beers on tap – our Belgian Dubbel and Hefeweiss Hefeweizen. These two additions make a great selection of six beers on tap across a broad spectrum of styles. You can always check out the On-Tap page to see the real-time draft list and beer descriptions. See you soon.
John L